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Plugin name: admin

The admin plugin provides a set of Admin commands and configurations that help in moderating active servers.


Arguments in {} are required. Arguments in [] are optional.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!join {role} OR !add {role} OR !give {role}Assigns a role to the calling user. Role must be listed in group_roles in the config.Default!join PC OR !add Console OR !give Tabletop
!leave {role} OR !remove {role} OR !take {role}Removes a role from the calling user. Role must be listed in group_roles in the config.Default!leave PC OR !remove Console OR !take Tabletop
!role add {user} {role} [reason]Adds a role to a user.Moderator!role add 232921983317180416 Moderator Promotion from Member OR !role add rowboat#0001 Admin Pretty good Moderator
!role remove {user} {role} [reason]Removes a role from a user .Moderator!role remove 232921983317180416 Admin Demoted for being bad at job OR !role remove rowboat#0001 Mod Terrible moderator
!role unlock {role}Unlocks a role listed in the locked_roles config setting for 5 minutes, allowing for permission updates.Admin!role unlock 346471724126044160
!role list {role}Counts and lists all users with the given role.Moderator!role list rabbit
!role spray {role} [reason]Assigns the given role to all users in the guild.Admin!role spray 346471724126044160
!role nuke {role} [reason]Removes the given role from all users in the guild.Admin!role nuke 346471724126044160
!roles [query]Returns a list of IDs and names for all roles on the server or for roles that match the given query. A [M] tag is added for mentionable roles. Useful for configuring other plugins.Moderator!roles OR !roles hepboat
!roleinfo {role}Display details about a role.Moderator!roleinfo 274266640403791873
!trackingDisplays number of members of roles in tracking config.Moderator!tracking
!mention {role_id} {message} OR !mention here {role_id} {message}Posts a message in the current channel that will mention the given role where the token {role} is located. If no {role} token is added, it will prepend the role mention by default. Will not work on roles that are already mentionable.Moderator!mention 580569953065893899 {role}, here!
!mention channel {channel} {role_id} {message}Posts a message in the given channel that will mention the given role where the token {role} is located. Will not work on roles that are already mentionable.Moderator!mention channel #chat 580569953065893899 {role}, here!
!mention enable {role_id} OR !mention disable {role_id}Will enable or disable mention ability for the given role.Moderator!mention enable 580569953065893899
!noroles showCounts and lists all users in the guild without any roles.Moderator!noroles show
!noroles purgeCounts and kicks all users in the guild without any roles.Admin!noroles purge

The infractions and modlog plugins should be enabled in conjunction for !noroles purge to send DMs to kicked users if set up.

Role Mention Message Tokens

The following tokens can be used in mention messages to dynamically generate content.

{user}Will mention the joining user.
{role}Will mention the mentioned role.
{server}Will include the server name.
{channel}Will mention the current channel.
{r<snowflake>}Will mention the specified role.
{c<snowflake>}Will mention the specified channel.
{u<snowflake>}Will mention the specified user.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!archive all [count] OR !archive here [count]Archives the latest count messages in the current channel. Default count value is 50.Admin!archive all 50 OR !archive here 50
!archive user {user} [count]Archives the latest count messages from a given user in the guild. Default count value is 50.Admin!archive user 232921983317180416 100 OR !archive user @rowboat#0001 100
!archive channel {channel} [count]Archives the latest count messages in the given channel.Admin!archive channel 289482554250100736 20
!clean all [count] OR !clear [count]Cleans the latest count messages in the current channel. Only works for messages that are sent after Hepboat has joined the channel. Default count value is 25.Moderator!clean all 20 OR !clear 20
!clean user {user} [count]Cleans the latest count messages from a given user in the current channel. Only works for messages that are sent after Hepboat has joined the channel. Default count value is 25.Moderator!clean user 232921983317180416 50
!clean bots [count]Cleans the latest count messages sent by bots in the current channel. Only works for messages that are sent after Hepboat has joined the channel.Moderator!clean bots 30
!nuke [count] OR !nuke here [count]Nukes the latest count messages in the current channel. Default count value is 10,000.Admin!nuke 20 OR !nuke here 20
!nuke channel {channel} [count]Nukes the latest count messages from a given channel. Default count value is 10,0000.Admin!nuke channel 580894715705294869
!clean cancelCancels any clean or nuke commands running in current channel.Moderator!clean cancel
!cease OR !cease channelRemove send message permissions for @everyone in the current channel.Moderator!cease
!uncease OR !uncease channelRestore send message permissions for @everyone in the current channel to the default.Moderator!uncease
!shutRestricts the speak and use voice activation permissions for @everyone in the current voice channel of calling user. (Due to a Discord bug, this does not immediately mute everyone, but forces everyone to Push-to-Talk)Moderator!shut
!unshutRemoves restrictions for @everyone on speak and voice activation detection in the current voice channel of calling user.Moderator!unshut
!slowmode {duration} [reason] OR !slowmode here {duration} [reason]Sets the slowmode time in the current channel. A duration of 0 will turn off slowmode in the channel. Given integer durations are parsed in minutes.Moderator!slowmode 10 OR !slowmode 5h
!slowmode channel {channel} {duration} [reason]Sets the slowmode time in the given channel. A duration of 0 will turn off slowmode in the channel. Given integer durations are parsed in minutes.Moderator!slowmode channel 289482554250100736 10 OR !slowmode channel 289482554250100736 5h

archive command results will be DMed to the calling user or linked in the chat based on archive_link_chat config setting. Archive results will also include deleted messages.

clean command archives will be linked in the modlogs under MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK if configured.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!reactions clean {user} [count] [emoji]Removes the latest count of emoji reactions from a given user. Default count value is 10. If emoji is not set, it will remove all reactions by the given user.Moderator!reactions clean 232921983317180416 OR !reactions clean @rowboat#0001 30 OR !reactions clean 232921983317180416 20 :thinking:
!backups restore {user}Restores a user to the most recently saved member backup.Admin!backups restore 232921983317180416 OR !backups restore rowboat#0001
!backups clear {user}Deletes all saved backups for a user.Admin!backups clear 232921983317180416 OR !backups clear rowboat#0001
!stats {user}Presents general message statistics for a given user.Moderator!stats 232921983317180416 OR !stats rowboat#0001
!voice log {user}Displays all recent voice channel activity for a given user in guild.Moderator!voice log 232921983317180416 OR !voice log @rowboat#0001
!nick change {user} {nickname} OR !nick add {user} {nickname}Adds or changes a nickname for the given user. Will also check the censor config if set.Moderator!nick change 84912325282254848 newnick OR !nick add @Jakey newnick
!nick remove {user} OR !nick rmv {user} OR !nick delete {user} OR !nick del {user}Removes a nickname from the given user.Moderator!nick remove 84912325282254848 newnick OR !nick rmv @Jakey


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!emojistats {server/global} {least/most}Displays the least/most used emojis in the current guild/globally.Moderator!emojistats global most OR !emojistats server least
!invites prune [count]Deletes server invites with count uses or less. Default count value is 1.Admin!invites prune 5
!cease guildRemove send message permissions for @everyone in the guild.Moderator!cease guild
!uncease guildRestore send message permissions for @everyone in the guild to the default.Moderator!uncease guild
!webconfig showShows all currently configured users with access to the guild's HepBoat configuration.Admin!webconfig show

Configuration Options

archive_link_chatArchive links will be sent in channel if true or DMs if false.boolfalse
persistA single member persistence configuration.dictempty
role_aliasesMapping of strings to role IDs. Alias strings can be used in place of IDs in commands.dictempty
group_rolesMapping of strings to role IDs of roles which can be joined and left by any user by command. These roles cannot grant any elevated permissions.dictempty
group_confirm_reactionsAdd a confirmation reaction for user role joins.boolfalse
locked_rolesList of roles that may not have any permissions changed unless unlocked by command.list(snowflake)empty
trackingList of roles that can be tracked with the tracking command.list(snowflake)empty
confirm_actionsConfirm when actions are performedbooltrue
mobile_mod_channelChannel to send any mobile modding dialog.snowflakeempty
onjoin_rolesList of roles automatically added to any new guild user.list(snowflake)empty
onjoin_role_delayDuration to wait before automatically adding all the roles in onjoin_roles to any new guild user. Durations can be integers which are parsed by seconds or duration strings. e.g. '10s', '2h5m', '3d4h1m'str0
rolesMapping of role IDs to role configurations.dictempty
welcomesMapping of channel IDs to welcome configurations.dictempty

Member Persistence Configuration

rolesWhether to recover roles when a user rejoins the server.boolfalse
role_idsA list of role IDs which will be recovered if roles is true.list(snowflake)empty
nicknameWhether to recover the nickname when a user rejoins the server.boolfalse
voiceWhether to recover mute/deafen settings when a user rejoins the server.boolfalse

Role Configuration

onjoin_role_delayDuration to wait before automatically adding the role to any new guild user. Durations can be integers which are parsed by seconds or duration strings. e.g. '10s', '5m', '2h5m'strNone
announce_channelChannel ID in which to announce role additions and removals.snowflakeNone
announce_add_msgMessage to write in announce_channel when the role is assigned to a user.strempty
announce_rmv_msgMessage to write in announce_channel when the role is removed from a user.strempty

Welcome Configuration

msgMessage that will be sent to the channel when a member joins the guild.strempty
dmWhether the message should also be sent as a DM.boolFalse

Message Tokens

{user}Will mention the joining user.
{server}Will include the server name.
{channel}Will mention the current channel.
{r<snowflake>}Will mention the specified role.
{c<snowflake>}Will mention the specified channel.
{u<snowflake>}Will mention the specified user.

Configuration Example

roles: true
role_ids: [278810978722906112, 278972423502561280, 278972377587515392]
nickname: true
voice: false
role1: 205769314199011329
role2: 333806119199703042
PC: 278810978722906112
Console: 278972377587515392
Tabletop: 278972423502561280
locked_roles: [346471724126044160, 252184905075654657]
tracking: [346471724126044160, 252184905075654657]
msg: |-
Welcome to the {server}, we've got fun and games, {user}.
Please read {c29837890467823647978} for more info.
You have joined {channel}!
dm: false
msg: |-
Hello {user}! Welcome to the {server}. Don't forget to check out {c238947029384908908234}
dm: true